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Prestige Clients

We are proud of our reputation for quality and service, and it shows. Word of mouth must of spread because we deal with some of the biggest companies around. VAL standards of transfer print are some of the best in the industry, we are the number one choice for so many.



We don't make transfers for anyone else

We are strictly trade printers, our policy has never been to approach the end users. We should all stick to what we know best, and ours is printing transfers onto our clients products!

We never forget our roots

VAL has been in the printing business for a long time, so we understand what it means to build a customer base. We treat every customer equally, whether your a small/medium business or even a large corporation there is no exception. In fact we go far as to say we'll bend over backwards to give you the service you require. The best artwork, the best transfer print and application, the best lead-time and the best customer service.